Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Revenge Options - Go Public!


Christina's Blog said...

That was so funny, I so agree with them for doing it that way, it makes the others feel like total d-bags, which they are haha.

Anonymous said...


h.e.m. said...

thats the greatest! thanks for the ideas if i ever get married! :)

Unknown said...

I'll show this to my husband and tell him that this would be the preview of what's going to happen if he would think of a divorce or going out with another woman. LOL

Anyway, I've seen some of my photos before. That one on the billboard was shown to me by my friend who's a family law attorney. Los Angeles, our home town, has had divorce cases, but never did I experience revenge as great as these.

The Los Angeles divorce attorney I know told me that some of the divorce cases involved a lot of money and tangible ownerships which were formally co-owned. She told me one case in another state that summed up to millions of dollars of property.

Anyway, thanks for sharing these photos!

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