Sunday, May 18, 2008

Doesn't dating history repeat itself?

Sue: So when I didn't hear from any guys on JDAte (except for one man who was 5'7", 220 lbs and walks with a cane), I complained to customer service. They insisted that I have to contact the men. I'm skeptical, but I comply. One guy responded and we had a phone chat. Here's his history:

Got married at age 45 for the first time
Got divorced seven years later (marriage produced one child)
Has been divorced for ten years, still looking for Ms. Right

Which means he has spent more of his adult life dating than he has sustaining a relationship. I'm having drinks with him Wed night because Linda told me to, but I am leery. This guy has a dismal relationship history, and every shrink and self-help book warns that you should pay close attention to a person's history. Well, ya never know -- maybe I'll meet someone else at the bar.

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