Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Unquestionable Superiority of Online Dating

Sue, I’m happy you’re having fun and you’re so right to be dating a few people at a time until something clicks.
My friend Nora was dating a guy she didn’t really like too much whom she’d been fixed up with by her octogenarian neighbor. On a really good day, she was lukewarm about the guy. He had a weird odor--like cat pee--in his hair and told the same stories over and over ad nauseum. Plus he was bankrupt, but she kept on dating him. Either she didn’t trust online dating--which would have brought her dozens of more appealing choices--or she just couldn’t say something like “I like you but I’m allergic to cats, so alas we have to call it quits.”
At any rate, each week, this charming fellow was available on either Friday or Saturday night, never both. And he never even called to ask her out until Thursday anyway.
Nora obsessively checked on him, calling his home and hanging up, at all hours on the weekend evenings when he was supposedly “busy with the kids”. She was not attracted to this man, dreaded the thought of kissing him, and even went so far as to stuff cotton balls up her nostrils to avoid smelling him. Yet, she hung around for his calls and practically stalked him.
If she'd been willing to get online and date a few other people, she would have had much more fun and she would have ditched this guy asap instead of waiting around until he announced he was engaged to a woman in New Jersey who was a foster mother to 13 cats and an un-neutered 200 pound Vietnamese Pot Belly Pig. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/swine/vietnamesepotbelly/index.htm

1 comment:

Joel Blatt said...

My attempts to discover meaningful companionship using popular online dating sites proved feeble. As a result, I created and launched Sparkbliss which leverages what has always been the best way to meet people – introductions from your circle of friends. In fact, “63% of married couples met through a network of friends,” according to a recent Temple University study. As it clearly improves your chances of finding your soul mate, why not let friends and family play matchmaker?

Today, there is growing public concern over personal privacy on the internet. A problem with the majority of online dating sites is they require members to create a searchable public profile. By doing so, members effectively surrender control of their personal information. I am sensitive to the privacy issue, but there is also something disturbing about sharing a public profile with strangers who tend to superficially and subjectively evaluate its content. My disenchantment and preference for protecting my personal privacy are shared by a significant percentage of the 100 million single adults in the U.S. who currently avoid online dating.

For many professional single adults exposing their personal lives on the public internet can be quite embarrassing or even career jeopardizing. For example: a lawyer avoids online dating because his colleagues will ridicule him if they find him on a dating site; a teacher is reluctant because students and parents can easily search and find information which could compromise her authority. For individuals who require an online dating experience with privacy, there is an alternative that embraces truly private online dating.

Sparkbliss helps discover meaningful companionship through your private circle of friends. It works like this: each member decides who can view his/her bio and thus make romantic introductions on their behalf; members have complete control over whom they invite into their network. In an era where the online dating market appears largely satisfied, Sparkbliss is remarkable by using a private social network to bring together individuals of similar interests, backgrounds and values.

I would be happy to schedule a phone conversation if you have any questions. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Joel M. Blatt



“Protect your personal privacy rather than surrender control of it.”